Nursing diagnosis for pneumonia

A successful nursing diagnosis for pneumonia is imperative in curing and preventing this medical condition that arises due to the infection in the lungs and can result into serious sickness and at times death as well. This medical condition arises because of the lack of the proper functioning of the lungs and that can be caused by the attack of bacteria or any kind of parasite. This is one of the most fatal kinds of medical symptoms that can happen to people of different age groups at any stage of their life, therefore it is important to cure this disease the minute person is diagnosed with it. Few common symptoms that are found in the person suffering from Pneumonia are:

pneumonia image

Symptoms that requires immediate medical attention to prevent pneumonia:

1.Excessive coughing- a regular and extreme coughing in person can be the sign of condition that requires immediate medical attention.
2.Fever – Another sign of this condition is high fever, a person in this medical state normally shivers with extreme fever and experience body chills, such a condition must not be ignored and immediately diagnosed.
3.Nausea- Nausea and vomiting are other common symptoms that can make person feel very weak and stop them from being acting or working normally.
4.Diarrhea- The stomach of the person in this medical condition is always under attack of viruses and bacteria that hinders in the proper functioning of the digestive system, resulting in conditions like Diarrhea.
5.Irregular Heartbeat – The heartbeat of a person in such state is never normal, person in this condition experiences a heavy heartbeat; sweating and headaches are the common constraints that result because of this condition.

Person suffering from any of these above mentioned conditions must immediately contact a good medical center for an immediate medical condition, because all these are the highlighting symptoms that require proper nursing diagnosis for pneumonia to prevent any kind of irregular functioning of human body.

Pneumonia is a medical condition that can crop up and grip in even a healthy person, but still there are certain people who are at a higher risk of attracting and getting attacked by these symptoms than other.

People who are mostly likely to get impacted with this medical condition:

1.Person with the lack of proper nutrients in diet can impacted because of this medical disease.
2.A weak immune system brings down the resistance powers of the fighting cells in the body that can result in bacteria to take command and damage the blood cells.
3.People addicted to smoking and drinking can get this symptom, if they don’t change their addictive dependencies.
4.Any exposures to any harmful chemicals can also make a person weakens and increases the chances of them getting affected by this medical condition.

Pneumonia is a fatal and a dangerous medical condition but it has a cure and with good health check up from a proper and reputed medical center effective nursing diagnosis for pneumonia is very much possible. There are many antibiotics available in the markets that can reduce the effects of bacterial inside the body, by renewing the strength of the immune system. Addition of green vegetables and regular intake of water can also help in preventing and curing this system naturally, there are many good medical centers that hospitalized the patients till the time their breathing and body functioning doesn’t become normal and regular.

Nursing Diagnosis: Activity intolerance related to imbalance between oxygen supply and demand, general weakness, exhaustion associated with normal sleep disruption due to discomfort, excessive coughing, and dyspnoea

Can be demonstrated:

Verbal reports of weakness, fatigue, exhaustion

Exertional dyspnea, tachypnea

Tachycardia in response to the activity

Development of, or worsening of, pallor or cyanosis

Desired Outcomes / Evaluation Criteria-Client

Activity tolerance

Report and demonstrate a measurable increase in activity tolerance with the absence of dyspnea and fatigue, with vital signs within acceptable range customer.

Nursing intervention with rationale:

1. Assess the client’s response to the activity. Note reports of dyspnea, increased weakness and fatigue, and changes in vital signs during and after activities.

Reason: Establishes client’s abilities and needs and facilitates the selection of interventions.

2. Provide a quiet environment and limit visits during the acute phase, as shown. Encourage the use of stress management and entertainment activities as appropriate.

Reason: Reduces stress and over stimulation, promoting relaxation.

3. Explain the importance of rest in the treatment plan and the need to balance activity with rest.

Reason: Bed rest is maintained during the acute phase to reduce metabolic demand, thus saving energy for healing. Activity restrictions subsequently determined by the response of each client activity and resolution of respiratory failure.

4. Help the client to assume a comfortable position to sleep and rest.

Rationale: The client may be comfortable with the head of the bed elevated to sleep in a chair or leaning forward over bed table with the support of the pillow.

5. Help to self-care activities if necessary. Provide a gradual increase in activity during the recovery phase.

Reason: Reduces fatigue and contributes to oxygen production and demand balance.

People with little carefulness and proper knowledge can combat the effects and signs of this harmful medical condition, regular medical check-ups, self discipline on diet and reduce intakes of tobacco, drugs and alcohol can shape internal functioning of the body in an effective way and to some effects are the natural and the most productive steps in nursing diagnosis for pneumonia.