1. – Pattern Perception and Control of Health:
Altered health maintenance
Altered protection
Ineffective management of therapeutic regimen
High risk of injury
High risk of poisoning
High risk of suffocation
2. – Pattern Nutrition and Metabolic:
High risk for altered nutrition: intake exceeds the body’s needs.
Altered nutrition: intake exceeds the body’s needs
Altered nutrition: eating less than the body needs.
Effective breastfeeding
Ineffective breastfeeding.
Interrupted breastfeeding.
Ineffective infant feeding pattern.
High risk of aspiration
Swallowing disorder.
Altered oral mucosa.
High risk for fluid volume deficits.
Fluid volume deficits.
Excess fluid volume.
High risk for impaired skin integrity.
Impaired skin integrity.
Impaired tissue integrity.
High risk for altered body temperature.
Ineffective thermoregulation.
3. – Elimination pattern:
Constipation perceived
Colonic constipation.
Bowel incontinence.
Altered urinary excretion
Functional incontinence
Stress incontinence
Urge incontinence
Total incontinence
Reflex incontinence
Urinary retention
4. – Pattern of Activity and Exercise:
Activity intolerance.
Inability to sustain spontaneous breathing.
High risk of activity intolerance.
High risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction.
Impaired physical mobility.
High risk of syndrome of disuse.
Forgot Unilateral
Self-care deficit: bathing / hygiene.
Self-care deficit: dressing / under
Self-care deficit: feeding.
Self-care deficit: evacuation.
Deficit recreation
Household altered.
Ineffective cleaning air.
Inefficient breathing pattern.
Altered gas exchange.
Decreased cardiac output.
Altered tissue perfusion (renal, cerebral, cardiac, gastrointestinal, peripheral)
High risk of trauma
5. – Standard of Rest and Sleep:
Altered sleep patterns.
6. – Cognitive and Perceptual Pattern:
Chronic Pain
Alterations sensory / perceptual (visual, auditory, kin esthetic, gustatory, tactile, olfactory).
Unilateral oblivion.
Knowledge deficits.
Altered thought processes.
Difficult decision
7. – Self-perception and self-concept pattern:
Sense of powerlessness.
Body Image Disorder
High risk of automutiliaciin.
Personal identity disorder.
Disorder of self-esteem.
Chronic low self-esteem
Situational low self-esteem
8. – Pattern Function and Relationship:
Anticipatory grief
Dysfunctional grieving
Altered performance of the function.
Tension in the role of caregiver
High risk of stress on the role of caregiver.
Social isolation.
Impaired verbal communication.
High risk of violence.
9. – Pattern of Sexuality and Reproduction:
Sexual dysfunction.
Altered patterns of sexuality.
Rape trauma syndrome.
10. – Pattern of Coping and Stress Tolerance:
Ineffective individual coping.
11. – Pattern of Values and Beliefs: